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BLINK is a linker written as a replacement for ALINK. It is fully
ALINK compatible accepting all command line options and WITH files.
BLINK supports many additional options not found in ALINK.
BLINK has been produce through the combined efforts of
The Software Distillery
currently comprised of:
Dave Baker
Ed Burnette
Stan Chow
Jay Denebeim
Gordon Keener
Jack Rouse
John Toebes
Doug Walker
It may be freely distributed provided:
1) No charge is made for its use or distribution
2) This manual is distributed along with the executable module
3) No modifications are made to the executable module
Failure to comply with these rules will simply work to convince people
that there is no value in producing good freely redistributable software.
The latest version of BLINK and our other projects are available from
our BBS:
Deep Thought (919) 471-6436
Address all correspondence to
John Toebes
The Software Distillery
235 Trillingham Lane
Cary NC 27511
Let us know what you do and don't like about it. There are several
enhancements that WILL be out in the next major release:
* Overlay support
* Complete XREF of library references
* Additional hunk coalescing features
* More finely tuned code
Command Line Syntax.
BLINK is driven by keyword parameters in any order indicating the
action to be performed. The basic syntax is:
BLINK [FROM][ROOT] files [TO file][WITH file][VER file]
[LIBRARY | LIB files][MAP file map_options][XREF file][options]
file means a single file
files means zero or more file names separated by a comma, plus sign
or space
and the following keywords are recognized:
FROM files - specifies the object files that are the primary
input to the linker. These object files will
always be copied to the root of the object
module. You must specify at least one object file
for the root. If it appears as the first option
to BLINK then the FROM keyword is optional and may
be omitted. ROOT is an acceptable synonym for FROM.
FROM may be used more than once with the files for
each FROM adding to the list of files to be linked.
TO file - specifies target object module to create. If
omitted it defaults to the same name as the first
object module listed on a FROM option with its .o
suffix removed.
WITH file - specifies a file containing BLINK command options
to be processed for this link. More than one WITH
file may be specified as may WITH files contain
WITH statements. The contents of all with files
will be treated as if they were specified on the
BLINK command line.
VER file - a destination file to contain all linker output
messages. If you do not specify it then all
messages go to the terminal.
LIBRARY files - specifies the files to be scanned as libraries.
Only referenced segments from library files will
be included in the final object module. LIB is a
valid synonym for LIBRARY.
XREF file - specifies a file to which the cross reference
information will be written. If not specified
and a cross reference is requested with the MAP
option, the cross reference listing will appear as
part of the map file.
FASTER - a do-nothing option that is included only for
ALINK compatibility.
VERBOSE - causes BLINK to print out the names of each file
as it processes it.
NODEBUG - supresses any HUNK_DEBUG, symbol table
information or hunk names in the final object
file. This is equivalent to the object file
that would be produced if STRIPA were run on the
final object file
SMALLDATA - causes all DATA and BSS sections to be Coalesced
into a single hunk. This is useful for combining all
data hunks from a program into a single hunk - decreasing
load time but potentially producing larger hunks that are
difficult to scatter load
SMALLCODE - causes all CODE hunks to be Coalesced into a single hunk.
WIDTH n - sets the maximum line length for the map and cross
reference listings. This is useful when sending
the output to a divice that has different line
length requirements. If not specified it defaults
to 80.
MAP file options - specifies a file to which a map is to be written.
options controls which parts of the map will be
written. See the MAP section for more information.
OVERLAY - specifies the start of an overlay tree terminated
by a line consisting of a single pound sign '#'.
See the OVERLAY section for more information.
Example Command Line Usage:
WITH Files
Example WITH files
Not supported in this release
Map Files
MAP <map file> <map options>
<map options> are H S X F O PLAIN FANCY
MAP [[filename],option,option,...]
filename map output file
option letter of report to produce (see below)
WIDTH n columns allowed in map file (default 80)
INDENT n columns to indent on a line (included in width) (default 0)
default 0
HEIGHT n lines on a page in map file (0 indicates no pagenation)
(default 55)
HWIDTH n width of hunk names (default 8)
FWIDTH n width of file names (default 16)
PWIDTH n width of program unit names (default 8)
SWIDTH n width of symbol names (default 8)
FANCY flag to allow printer control characters in the map file
(this is the default condition)
PLAIN turns off the FANCY option
map: map has sub keywords, they are:
h - MapHunk
s - MapSym
x - MapXref
f - MapFile
o - MapOvly
additionaly it will accept other keywords that
can have parameters:
width - (1-132) def 80
height - (1-255) def 55
Hwidth - (1-255) def 8 (hunk name width)
Fwidth - (1-255) def 16 (file name width)
Swidth - (1-255) def 25 (Symbol width)
indent - (1-255) def 0 (line indentation)
BLINK Error messages
1 Parser failure.
2 Pass 1 failure.
4 Coalesce failure.
5 Map failure.
3 Pass 2 failure.
6 Symbol Initialization failure.
200 Out of memory!!
300 Read error on file '%s'
301 Write error on file '%s'
400 *** Break: Blink terminating.
425 Cannot find library %s
426 Cannot find object %s
444 Hunk_Symbol has bad %d symbol %s
445 Invalid HUNK_SYMBOL %s
446 Invalid symbol type %d for %s
447 %s is a load file
448 Invalid hunk #%d
449 No hunk_end seen for %s
501 Invalid Reloc 8 or 16 reference
502 Distance for Reloc16 > 32768
503 Distance for Reloc8 > 128
504 Distance for Data Reloc16 > 32768
505 Distance for Data Reloc8 > 128
506 Can't locate resolved symbol %s
507 Unknown Symbol type %d
508 Symbol type %d unimplemented
509 Unknown hunk type %d in Pass2
600 Invalid command '%s'
601 %s option specified more than once
602 Unable to open map file '%s'
603 %s is not a valid number
604 with file is not readable
605 Cannot open with file '%s'
606 Unable to open output file '%s'
607 No FROM/ROOT files specified
999 Unknown internal error <<<let us know if you get this one
BLINK History
5.5 Released 18 August 1986
5.6 Released 20 August 1986
Fixed problem with map file generation
Fixed problem with map file error messages
5.6 Released 22 August 1986
Corrected incompatibilities with Lattice 3.02 and 3.03 generating extra
Added TABS to the with file/command line parser
Fixed messages so last unresolved reference is not overwritten by VERBOSE
messages in PASS2.